Wednesday 27 June 2018

3 Ways you can improve your email marketing

3 Ways you can improve your email marketing


Is your email marketing appealing to your target market?

In a new world that has gone almost completely digital, marketing has had to adapt to the new mediums of tomorrow. Say hello to the email marketing campaign.
Most people can easily use free software to create an email and send it to a list of email addresses, but is that really effective? Do you really know if your design subject line or even your content is effectively conveying your message?

In this email we will go over 3 basic ways to improve your email marketing and how Tiffany Cox Design can help. 

1. Using a spam worthy subject line
You�ve won (insert random expensive item here)
We�ve all seen this subject line before and most of the time it gets tossed away to our trash folder without a second glance. Why? Because 9 times out of 10 an email with a subject line with the words �you�ve won� or �you could win� are spam emails that tend to carry viruses.
Of course you don�t want your email to look like a virus to consumers so avoid language that conveys the person has won something or could win something.  If you are trying to promote a contest of some kind with some sort of prize. Let�s say if you want to give out an incentive for people to make appointments, instead of talking about the incentive in the subject line talk about it in the header of your email.
For example: I want to give out a $50 gift card to every person who makes an appointment.
A good subject line would be, �Why you should Schedule your appointment with a Tiffany Cox Design professional today�
A bad subject line would be, �You could win a $50 dollar gift card right now!�

2. No Clear Call to action
Sometimes companies will send out emails just to show new products, these emails may or may not be effective as they are not giving the audience a specific action to take.
To explain I�ll use the $50 gift card scenario.
When a person looks at your email, right away they should be able to know the what and the why.

What? We want you to make an appointment with a Tiffany Cox design professional.
Why? You will get a $50 gift card.

You want to get straight to that point. All too often companies will have multiple calls to action see the examples below. 

Bad Example

This e-mail is a great example of what not to do for effective email marketing.  This kind of format overwhelms the viewer and more often then not they won�t click anything, they may click on one thing but they aren�t going to read through all the headlines to see which one appeals to them. 

Good Example

This is an example of a clear call to action and will be much more effective than multiple calls to action. Just because you have multiple items on sale at the same time, doesn�t mean you need to include them all in the email. 

3. Too many buttons
How many times have you gotten an email and not known where to click or why? These emails tend to be far to common and I usually see them in emails that are described as newsletters. However having a lot of links on a newsletter is just fine because you aren�t really trying to get action from your viewers. Having to many links and buttons on a sales email is not the best idea.
When a viewer is looking at an email you have a split second to catch their attention and if you have too much going on you aren�t going to capture their attention very well.
One of the biggest offenders is social media links. Now I know what your thinking, but what if I want them to like my Facebook page and follow me on twitter? That�s fine and you should give them that option but keep it to the bottom of the email so they can clearly see your real message first. And if they like what you have to say they now have your resources to share with others. You wouldn�t ask someone to purchase your product without knowing what it is first, and you wouldn�t ask them to like your page before they know what your all about. 

Email marketing can sometimes look intimidating and a lot of psychology goes in to an effective email campaign.

If your need help with yours contact me today!
Tiffany Cox

visit link download

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