Thursday 28 June 2018

25 Names of Jesus Day 9 Good Shepherd

25 Names of Jesus Day 9 Good Shepherd

�I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.� John 10:11

Apparantly, there are two types of shepherds --- those who have been hired by someone to watch their sheep and those whose whole life is taking care of their own sheep.

Im sure the first does a fine job feeding the sheep, keeping them in line, etc. But he might just flee at the first sign of a wolf, forcing the sheep to fend for themselves. Wouldnt you?

The second, on the other hand, would give his very life for the sheep, as if they were his own children. He knows them by name and they know his voice. There is a strong bond between them, a special trust.

Jesus willingly gave up the comfort of His throne in Heaven, coming to earth to defend us from the wolf, Satan. Knowing that sheep are the most helpless creatures on earth, He gave His life to save us because we couldnt save ourselves if we wanted to.

He is the Good Shepherd. He layed down His life for you. Will you give Him yours?

I hope you are having fun hanging your 25 Names of Jesus advent ornaments and discussing His names with your family! Go here to read the other posts in this series and to download the free printable ornaments if you want to follow along as we countdown to Christmas!

Happy December, friends! Its the most wonderful time of the year! :)

About the Author: Erin Vick Franklin is the founder and director of Worthy of the Prize. Erin has a BBA in Marketing and Management from TCU and a Masters of Christian Education in Church Recreation from Southwestern Seminary. She is a published, award-winning author and poet. Purchase her book Worthy of the Prize Sports Camps: A Churchs Guide to Implementing an Effective, Community-Reaching Christian Sports Camp to be used as an outreach tool for your church or mission organization. Erin is the wife of A, a Worship Pastor, and a work-at-home-momma to 2 crazy little boys, a and e.

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