Saturday 30 June 2018



Stamina is one of the most important attributes for futsal players. The high level of stamina of a futsal player means:

  1. Longer leg freshness of futsal players during a match;
  2. Better chance to win the game, because of the ability to continue playing in high tempo until the very end of the game;
  3. Ability to think sharp and longer on the pitch � brain works slower, when body is exhausted; 
  4. Dont forget about the strength of a heart and as a result of overall health of futsal player. As a result � better performances, better morale and lower risk of injuries!

How should you train stamina? The best way to improve stamina is to jog!

What is the right way to jog? Here are our 15 tips for that:

  1. Wear comfortable clothing!
  2. Can listen to some active music � anything, that inspires you for action!
  3. Jog smart: start jogging in the period not earlier, than 4:00 and not later, than 20:00. This is the best time for your heart. If you do it in the period from 20:00 until 4:00, you will be damaging your heart - that is not smart.
  4. Make a little warm-up before you start jogging. Just 5-7 basic exercises for your legs, arms, shoulders, neck, wrists and back. Do it in 3-4 minutes.
  5. Dont start to jog in a high tempo form the very beginning!
  6. Start slowly.
  7. After approximately 300m change the tempo to the one, that you will keep during the whole process of jogging.
  8. Breath right � breath in during every 4 steps with your nose and breath out during every 4 steps with your mouth. This system is ideal. But if you cant master it from the very beginning, just give yourself some time to learn it.. Until that breath in a way, which is more suitable for you.
  9. Chose your effort smart � especially if its the first time you jog in a long period of time. The first time jogging should not be that long.. keep your average tempo during just 30-40 minutes. Not more! You should finish jogging after that, so chose your distance accordingly.
  10. If in the process of jogging you will feel, that you are tired, dont stop! You can slower your tempo for 3-5 minutes until minimum, but dont stop! If you do stop � it will be even harder for you to restart jogging, because your breath will be interrupted.
  11. Jog safe, guys :) Dont jog on the roads, bridges and highways.. :) Ideal place for that is local park or forest. Maybe � quiet neighbourhood. With minimum distractions.
  12. In futsal the tempo of the game changes all the time from high to .. very high. So starting from your second time jogging, try to vary your jogging tempo too. After every 90 seconds, make short sprints (20 steps) at a maximum speed.
  13. Sprint on a maximum speed during last 200 m of your distance.
  14. At the end of jogging dont just stop.. slowly change the tempo to the minimum (while still jogging) and after 100m switch to walking. Continue walking for another 100m and than you can stop. This way you will let your heart to calm down without hurting it.

Bonus advice: Do some exercises to strengthen stomach muscles after jogging. To have strong stomach muscles is very important for a futsal player.

via mediafire

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