Saturday 30 June 2018



Stamina is one of the most important attributes for futsal players. The high level of stamina of a futsal player means:

  1. Longer leg freshness of futsal players during a match;
  2. Better chance to win the game, because of the ability to continue playing in high tempo until the very end of the game;
  3. Ability to think sharp and longer on the pitch � brain works slower, when body is exhausted; 
  4. Dont forget about the strength of a heart and as a result of overall health of futsal player. As a result � better performances, better morale and lower risk of injuries!

How should you train stamina? The best way to improve stamina is to jog!

What is the right way to jog? Here are our 15 tips for that:

  1. Wear comfortable clothing!
  2. Can listen to some active music � anything, that inspires you for action!
  3. Jog smart: start jogging in the period not earlier, than 4:00 and not later, than 20:00. This is the best time for your heart. If you do it in the period from 20:00 until 4:00, you will be damaging your heart - that is not smart.
  4. Make a little warm-up before you start jogging. Just 5-7 basic exercises for your legs, arms, shoulders, neck, wrists and back. Do it in 3-4 minutes.
  5. Dont start to jog in a high tempo form the very beginning!
  6. Start slowly.
  7. After approximately 300m change the tempo to the one, that you will keep during the whole process of jogging.
  8. Breath right � breath in during every 4 steps with your nose and breath out during every 4 steps with your mouth. This system is ideal. But if you cant master it from the very beginning, just give yourself some time to learn it.. Until that breath in a way, which is more suitable for you.
  9. Chose your effort smart � especially if its the first time you jog in a long period of time. The first time jogging should not be that long.. keep your average tempo during just 30-40 minutes. Not more! You should finish jogging after that, so chose your distance accordingly.
  10. If in the process of jogging you will feel, that you are tired, dont stop! You can slower your tempo for 3-5 minutes until minimum, but dont stop! If you do stop � it will be even harder for you to restart jogging, because your breath will be interrupted.
  11. Jog safe, guys :) Dont jog on the roads, bridges and highways.. :) Ideal place for that is local park or forest. Maybe � quiet neighbourhood. With minimum distractions.
  12. In futsal the tempo of the game changes all the time from high to .. very high. So starting from your second time jogging, try to vary your jogging tempo too. After every 90 seconds, make short sprints (20 steps) at a maximum speed.
  13. Sprint on a maximum speed during last 200 m of your distance.
  14. At the end of jogging dont just stop.. slowly change the tempo to the minimum (while still jogging) and after 100m switch to walking. Continue walking for another 100m and than you can stop. This way you will let your heart to calm down without hurting it.

Bonus advice: Do some exercises to strengthen stomach muscles after jogging. To have strong stomach muscles is very important for a futsal player.

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Attack Nodes Running From The Gun

Attack Nodes Running From The Gun

This entry (and most that proceeded and will follow) is a result of a summer-long Noel Mazzone discussion between hemlock and I.  Mazzone represents the offensive innovation of the 90s maturing and adapting to the constantly changing world of football. If you�re over 30, you may be able to appreciate how an imaginative spark can ripple into a wave of change as time passes, sometimes taking decades to blossom. Specifically, how the things done in the late 80�s ended up shaping the zeitgeist of football we know today.

The previous posts featuring the Alex Gibbs staff clinic was simply a prelude to the larger focus here. The stretch clinic illustrated the brainstorming involved as offenses adapt to living in the gun full-time (�we�re not in Kansas anymore�).

As those videos documented, there came a time when Gibbs just threw out tight zone because it wasnt worth investing in as he was getting a favorable return with stretch.  While zone and stretch share similarities, many offenses are finding it is easier to just drop one or the other because they just dont have enough time to become proficient in the necessary skills to run them both.

While I believe there are some distinct �families� emerging here, I don�t truly believe there is a right or wrong path (both have considerable merit). With that, I will preface this with the disclaimer that most run attacks aren�t as codified as they will be depicted here. In this post, I�ll attempt to illustrate what issues offenses face by choosing a particular path.   This post won�t offer any absolutes or hidden truths, its just an editorial on where many offenses are headed.

Nearly two decades since Dennis Erickson made the above comments regarding his philosophy, that same tenet holds true for Mazzone. You spread the formation (horizontally) to run the ball. You aren�t running the ball to areas of the field where you are drawing defenders to (outside). With one-back, you empty the box to make running inside easier (by eliminating defenders by alignment) with the added dimension of utilizing outside receivers.
I believe the most interesting thing we can witness from the Arizona State Offense is how truly simple it is (we�ll get into greater detail later, but much can be seen by examining their protection).  It is this simplicity that allows it to be so effective and helps package the entire offense into easily distilled decisions for the quarterback. Mazzone�s run game is an extension of galvanized concepts he has carried with him during his career.

What is distinct about Mazzone is how he�s held true to that Erickson philosophy.  He doesn�t run stretch, he�ll run zone, zone read and trap, but for perimeter attacks, it is reduced to flash, tunnel, slow screens, and swing from play-action.  This isn�t unlike West Virginia under Rich Rodriguez or Tulsa under Herb Hand and Gus Malzahn, who were renowned for speed sweeps and power, but made their living off of zone and zone-read options.
For a 4-wide gun offense, zone can serve as the sprint-draw of the 2-back offense; an effective way to gain a numeric advantage against a defense with minimal defenders in the box.  Zone, by itself, would allow the offense to get 5 linemen on 5 defenders and insure at least 1 double-team at the point-of-attack. With the way Mazzone packages his offense, the run game is actually able to further weaken the integrity of the defensive front by systematically isolating backside defenders with a horizontal stretch (making the play-side C-G-T the only crucial blocks needed). With zone-read, the tight zone action can be used to:
  • manipulate the backside defensive end into caving down inside and open up the quarterback keep (zone-read)
  • keep the WILB flat-footed and out of position to defend the backside snag or F quick (flare)
  • hold the play-side safety longer to provide an extremely clear read to run verticals against
  OUTSIDE   The other end of the spectrum here is where most other teams are at in terms of the spread run game, using stretch as the primary means of running the ball. This creates a bit of a quandary that opens a door of additional answers.
With a tight end
When you operate in a true one-back gun environment without a tight end, running stretch can be a challenge.  Without a tight end, you need the play-side tackle to reach an athletic defensive end who is in pass-rush mode for the better part of the game.
Without a tight end
You are also aiming for an area where you�ve already drawn defenders to by alignment (perimeter). This can be a cheap way of gaining yards (relying on cutting and reaching on the line), much like flash screens, where you don�t need killer blocks to gain positive yards. You don�t have to be tremendously athletic to reach a defender, but the better the athlete, the better the backside runs will be (because your backside guard/tackle can actually get close enough to cut backside linebackers).
  If you�re aiming point is to a ghost tight end, the read will most often be closed or consistently muddy for the runner. With all linemen bucket-step reaching play-side, it really amounts to just cutting off/getting in the way of defenders. Because that second down defender probably won�t get reached, he will impede the runner from actually bouncing outside (with second-level defenders gap filling inside of him), leaving the cut back the only option. clip_image020 To make up for this liability, you can attempt to fortify your read by adding another blocker (back or tight end) and simply try to invest more resources to improving the run (read).  This now invites more defenders back into the box which works contrary to the reason most spread offenses �spread�. clip_image022
Add a back to insure your chances at the point of attack
The other alternative to making stretch work is to rely on the one guy your �spread� offense is centered around, the quarterback, to assume a dual-role as a runner.
Make your quarterback a runner (BOSS)
  This limited end-game is what leads most gun offenses to two answers.
  • Use the bucket-step skill set of stretch and add to it by skip-pulling backside linemen for power (adding blockers to the POA)
  • Purposely use stretch action to attack inside voids created by pursuit
clip_image025by simply drop-setting the backside tackle to handle the backside end,
now the horizontal stretch on the backside linebacker becomes more pronounced.
As an illustration, we�ll use Tony Franklin as the contrast to Mazzone�s run game, though there are many who share the same philosophy of Franklin.  Another �coach�s coach�, Franklin has evolved his offense tremendously over the past decade and has been forced to find answers with limited talent.  The current version of his offense is largely owed to Dwight Dasher during his time at Middle Tennessee, where there was a heavy reliance on stretch and dash.  While at Louisiana Tech, Franklin began tapping into these skill sets more due to the reliance on running back, Lennon Creer (considerably more two-back, �wild dog�, truck, and power).  2011 will likely feature more of the same with the addition of a more mobile passer in Colby Cameron (update: it appears 17-year old Nick Isham is now the starter).
  These �variations on a theme� may be required to survive if stretch is going to be the source of your gun run game.  While all of these counters off of stretch action open up avenues of stress for a defense (it provides a prescription for every symptom), they also require your offense to carry more tools into a game (more plays).   We�ve gone over several of these adaptations before and we don�t intend on covering old ground in this post. The point is to illustrate that current meme of stretch offenses centers around heavily exploiting backside horizontal voids, call it your �stretch counter�, if you will.
Stretch read (Flame/Fire)
You may need to invest more resources in your run game, but the potential for a greater dividend is there.  That being said, throwing a flash screen off your inside zone run action is one thing, it can become an even more explosive off of stretch action (see below) because of how it creates an inside void for the receiver to run through.
This all just accentuates the recurring theme that as things evolve and adapt, it all is cyclical. Trends and flavors of strategy have to remain organic and willing to adapt to their environment to survive.

There isnt any assertion here on which method is the best.  I am attempting to highlight the efficiency of one method over another.  Both offensive styles will run nearly the same passing concepts, both 5-step, quick, and screens.  The question would be posed on how much of a return should you expect on what is needed to be invested to make your run game from the gun work ( when operating from a true 4-wide, sans tight end, environment )?  To base your run game out of stretch when you dont use a tight end can become expensive, because it will necessitate the offense to incorporate the many variations to keep it viable.

** Hemlock has followed this with additional perspectives on Noel Mazzone and how a few concepts have evolved through the last decade and how Mazzone marries it altogether.

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200 Orchard

200 Orchard

200 Orchard St. (btw Houston & Stanton)
New York, NY 10002
(212) 253-7000

Bathroom situation
- two unisex minty-fresh WCs in the way back. Theyre actually kinda waka flocka you might look around and feel uncomfortable cuz youre not used to having that much room to stretch and yaw back and forth. Welcome to the new NoLES, playboy!
Takes credit cards? - yes, but only plastic ones with embossed numbers on the front...and you gotta have your signature on the back. Of it. The credit card, that is. [ed. Visceralists editor will be out of the office with limited access to email til later. If you have any complaints about Visceralists trife-blogging in the interim, kill yoself.]
Crowded on weekends? - nah, right? This spot has slightly more space than it knows what to do with, so theres lots of room to walk around without getting fondled on the low-low by someone whose mom really did teach them better.
Seating - 15ish stools at the bar, a big ol booth in the front room and 3 tables in the back part. Most of the stools at the bar are usually occupied, so if youre in the habit of going to bars not by yourself (what? like you never...), your best bet is the tables in the back. Theyre the kind that have high-chairs.
Neighborhood - across the street from racist-ass American Apparel, but dont hold that against 200. Pomades is a must.
Pretentious/assholes - A bunch of folk who look like they might, but you know they wont. evs. ver it.
Cost of Stella -$6 and served in a proper Stella glass like in those commercials they only show in the US during the World Cup (how bout that team USA, btw, eh? Eh?).
What time people start showing up - like Nevuary. Nobody rilly comes here. Like if they did a pie-chart of this places crowd it would be a circle thats 100% filled in with one color, lets say red, and in the Legend for the pie chart it would tell you that red represents Nobody.
Bartender efficiency - two dudes working the bar last time Visceralist was here and we didnt have any complaints. Mehvs.
Official Website - here. Web 2.0 compatible, but otherwise pretty basic. Which Visceralist excitedly and lucidly approves of, FWIWorth.
Food? How late - if this place has any gimmick, its their $8 paninis. Visceralist didnt try one cuz the "kitchen" consists of a shelf with a cutting board and a panini grill right next to the bar (like right where everyone walks by it like). No shots, but Visceralist likes a little mystery in our food-prep, to be honest.
TVs? Whats on - yeah, one big projectord up screen right above the booth in the front and two smaller flatscreens above the bar. MLB was on last time Visceralist was there, which....eghk. All were saying (other than the obvious shit like Baseballs boring like waiting on herpes test results....cuz, trust, you got it) is that any sport where you can play two full games in a row (this double-header business) is not the kind of sport that Visceralist can co-sign. You know what other sports do double and triple headers? Frisbee golf, pool at a bar, Tic-Tac-Toe, jerkin off last night...psshaw.
Guy:girl ratio - 60/40...Visceralist actually counted last time he was here, so take that.
Toys - you could prolly dance up on the tables in the back, like they do in the movie Coyote Ugly, which is a lot like they do at the actual Coyote Ugly (ugh, shiver just went down Visceralists spinal regions).
Age of clientele - old enough to remember when The Simpsons was good (shots definitely fired).
Space for dancing? - fuckin hell, yeah. Plenty of room to jerk, juke, Dougie, do the wop, etc, etc.
Music medium, style & volume - yeah, bartenders iPhone (risky, playboy) was playing Motowns Greatest Hits for a while. Btw, Gucci just said he makes love to his money like Ray J & Kim K on some song on his new mixtape Mr. Zone 6. FTFW.
Specials or most popular drink - nathan to speak of, but they do serve food til 3:30 which is something of a rarity round these here parts.

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3DC to Railworks Locomotive Paint Your Wagon Part 2

3DC to Railworks Locomotive Paint Your Wagon Part 2

3DC to Railworks - Locomotive: Paint Your Wagon Part 2
by Jerry "SMMDigital" Conaway

< PreviousIndexNext >

Now that we have our texture templates, it's time to begin filling them in. This is the part that requires a bit of artistic sense, and since I have very little of this, I can only give you very basic pointers about the mechanics of this operation. I will tell you that detailed photographs of the subject you are trying to recreate will be very helpful in this area. Also, this color chart at 3DTrains will help you in painting your locomotive in the colors you desire.

304. In the imaging program that you are using, create a texture that is the same size (should be 1024x1024) as the template you wish to fill in. Give the template a color that is similar but not quite the same as the main body color. You will notice in some of my photographs that I made my background color the same as primer paint. This is a bad idea, as it is much brighter than the locomotive, and if you don't get your applications just right, you will have brightly colored gaps at the seams of your parts.
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3D Studio Max Use of Plugin Shag Hair

3D Studio Max Use of Plugin Shag Hair

This is Professor Azii (Asif Zamir) this tutorial is performed with a plugin; �shag hair� you can download shag hair pugin through google search bar. I don�t have exact location. Sorry buddies ��� but how it works and how you can manipulate it in the 3D Studio Max? I am here to tell u���.
So read and lean�����.

Understanding Hair Concepts
Before getting into the tutorial, you need to understand some basic concepts about the Hair system along with some terminology.

The individual hairs in Shag: Hair system are called strands. There are two types of strands: Vertex Strands and Middle Strands. Vertex strands are the objects that appear in the view-port when you assigned an object as an emitter for the hair system.
The following figure shows you an example of these types of strands.

Vertex strands are the first level of hair and are generated every time the Shape of the hair changes. Vertex strands, as you might guess, are always placed on the vertices of the emitter object. These strands are used when you want to use model hair cutters, restricting cutters, and to give you visual feedback in the view-ports. Many of the commands in Shag: Hair and/or Shag: Fur operates only on vertex strands.

The next level of hair in the system is the middle strand. These are the strands that are actually rendered. They do not appear in the view-port and are not located on the vertices of the object. But, they are based on the nearest vertex strands. So, any changes to the vertex strands are immediately transmitted to the middle strands at render time. As with vertex strands, some of the hair and fur commands will only affect the middle strands.

When using Shag Hair, you must use a model hair as the shape for your hair. A model hair is simply defined as a spline or NURBS curve that has had the Model Hair modifier applied to it. Once the modifier is applied, it can be used as the hair instead of straight lines. This gives you a true sense of flexibility in how you can create your hair. The hair routines, as a matter of fact, require the use of at least one model hair before any hair will be rendered.

Since model hairs are based on splines, you are probably already familiar with terms like vertices and segments. Hair uses the term knot. A knot is similar to the vertex of a spline that is using a Bezier Spline corner type. The more knots you have in a model hair, the more accurate the motion of that hair will be, but also the longer it will take to calculate dynamics on the hair strands. Hair also uses the term bezier steps, which is simply the number of straight- line segments between knots. The more steps you have the smoother the hair will appear, but the longer it will take to render and calculate dynamics. Now that you have a grasp of some of the basic terminology associated with the Shag: Hair system, you are ready to dive into the tutorials.

Shag Hair Tutorial / Part 1 ( Simple Hair )

1. Load the file HAIRDEMO.MAX from your SCENES folder. This scene contains a simple cartoon style head that you will apply hair to. If you don�t have the scene then you can easily create it yourself.

First, let�s start by creating a light. Shag Hair uses special lights that are necessary to render the hair. Switch to a Top View and zoom out so you can see more of the scene.

2. In the Create Command panel, click on the lights button. Then choose Hair-Enabled Lights from the drop down list. Select an Omni light.

3. In the Top viewport, click down and to the right from the head to create the light, approximately where shown in the following figure.

4. Move the light approximately 120 units vertically in the Z-axis to position it above the head. Use the Transform Type in if that is easier for you.

5. Once the light is created, go to the Modify command panel and set the following:

Color 237,237,237
Cast Shadows On
Shadow Size 512 (this should be the default)

6. Now, it�s time to create the hair for use on the head. In the Create command panel, go to Shapes and select the Line command.

7. In the top viewport, create a line that is approximately 20 units long. Create the line with only two vertices, a start and an end one.

8. With the spline we�re going to use as a model hair still selected, go to the Modify command panel. Select the More&ldots; button, then click on the Model Hair modifier and choose OK. This assigns the Model Hair modifier to the spline.

9. From the new Model Hair modifier, expand the Coordinate Systems rollout. Enable the (Curve Base, Tangent) system. This places the Hair coordinate system at the base of the hair strand and will correctly orient the hair on the surface of the head.

NOTE: Normally, you will create many spline control strands that you will place along the scalp of your character to define how the hair will interpolate across the head. With many, you can create parts in the hair and other styling definitions. Once you�ve finished this tutorial, you are welcome to go back and create more strands for placement on the head.

Now, it�s time to setup the head for working with the hair strand. By default, if we applied Shag: Hair atmospheric now, it would cover the entire head model. However, the location of the hair strands can be controlled by changing the Material ID of the faces on the mesh, so we�re going to pick the faces where we want the hair to grow now.

10. Switch to the Right Viewport. Select the head and go to the Modify Command Panel. Enable Face Sub-Object mode.

11. Using a Window selection, select approximately the faces shown in the following figure. This selection will approximate the hairline for our model.

12. Scroll down in the Editable Mesh command panel to the Edit Surface rollout. Change the Material ID spinner to 4. Turn off Sub-Object mode.

Now, we are almost ready to add the hair to the head, but one more task remains.

13. Hair requires either a Camera view or a Perspective view to render correctly, so lets create a camera in the scene that produces a view similar to the following figure.

14. Now, let�s setup the actual hair system. From the main MAX pulldown menus, select Rendering / Environment. This launches the Environment dialog box.

15. Under the Atmospherics rollout, click on the Add&ldots; button. In the list that appears, select Shag: Hair and choose OK.

16. Repeat step 15, but this time add a Shag:Render entry. Both shaders must be present for Shag: Hair to render properly.

NOTE: You can have multiple Shag: Fur and Shag: Hair atmospheric
entries in the dialog, but you only need one Shag: Render entry for the system to work correctly.

17. Click on the Shag: Hair entry. You will immediately see the Hair rollout appear. In the Objects, Copy/Paste, Load/Save rollout, click on the

Pick button under Emitters. Then click on the head itself. You will see the name of the head (Sphere01) appear in the dropdown list.

18. Click on the Face Level button. This launches the Face Level Assignment dialog box where you can assign which faces the hair strands will emit from. In this dialog box, enable By Sub-Material and set the spinner to 4 to match the ID you assigned earlier. Choose OK to close the dialog box.

19. Under Model Hairs, choose the Pick button and select the Spline that you created earlier. After selecting the spline, you will immediately see the Shag View object appear in the viewport.

This shows you the Vertex strands of the hair and roughly how large it will be. The following figure shows you what you should see.

20. Now, let�s setup the parameters for the hair. In the parameters rollout, set the following settings:

Under Density Per Area 1.0 (Increases the number of Hairs)
Under Thickness Maximum 0.1 (Makes hair thinner)
Under Thickness Random Factor 0.52 (Randomizes the thickness)
Under Curliness Enabled On (Turns on curling of the hair)
Under Curliness Turns 4.0 (Number of turns in the curly hair)
Under Random Middle Strands 1.0 (Randomizes the middle strands)
Under Random Vertex Strands 1.0 (Randomizes the vertex strands)

21. Under the Shading, Geometry, Quality rollout, set the following:

Under Shading Shade Bezier Segments On
Under Shading Shade Middle Strands On

22. Scroll back up to the top of the Environment dialog box and select the

Shag:Render atmospheric entry.

23. Set the Quality and Memory spinner to 10.0. This is the highest quality setting.
24. Set the Render Stripe size to 480 and turn on the Render Progress

Bar checkbox. Now, you are ready to render the scene. 25. Close the Environment dialog box. Then, render the Camera view-port at 640 x 480

26. Finally, so that the woman�s hair is not a dull gray, go back to the Shag Hair atmospheric and scroll down to the Shading, Geometry, Quality rollout. Here you will find a pair of color swatches labeled Base and Tip. These control the color of the individual hair strands along their length. Change the Base to a dark brown (RGB: 70, 33,0), and change the Tip to a lighter golden brown (RGB: 207,149, 47).

27. Change the Random Factor setting to 0.1. This will give some subtle variations on the Base and Tip colorations throughout the hair and make it look less even. Then render the scene again

Next to come

Shag Hair Tutorial / Part 2
Exploring Materials in Hair

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3D Parallax Background v1 9

3D Parallax Background v1 9

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3D Parallax Background - screenshot3D Parallax Background - screenshotFinally a proper and fully 3D depth parrallax effect with tilting background on Android!
Give your background a real 3D depth feeling.
Unlike other live wallpapers which just move the background - this live wallpaper combines movement and rotation of the background to give the best illusion experience - exactly as featured on IOS7.
Compare and see the difference for yourself.

� fully 3D OpenGL environment
� unique feature of rotating background to match your devices rotation in all axis
� you can configure the levels of depth effect
3D Parallax Background - screenshot3D Parallax Background - screenshot� use your own custom image or choose from included backgrounds set (please use default gallery application to select own image as were working on adding support for 3rd party apps like quickpix, dropbox etc)
� smooth and battery efficent
� has an option to use only accelerometer sensor which uses 10 times less power than other sensors for super extra power save
� when not visible application is completely stopped, it doesnt run anything in background

Should you have any issues with the wallpaper please write to and we will provide you with support. If the app crashes while setting your own background please write to us saying which device experienced this issue.
READ/WRITE EXTERNAL STORAGE permission is being used for choosing own backgrounds
In demo video Apex launcher was used with transparent apps drawer setting

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Download Apk (7.76mb)
Download Apk (7.76mb)

Usama Mehmood 29 Jul, 2013

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2013 Infected Wars v1 0 1 0 Ipa Download Iphone Ipad

2013 Infected Wars v1 0 1 0 Ipa Download Iphone Ipad

iPhone Screenshot 1
Are you ready to experience the most challenging action horror shooter in the App Store? Features the first ever full multiplayer co-op campaign for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. Fight zombies and epic bosses with your friends through post-apocalyptic environments.

? Co-Op Multiplayer ? 4 Character Classes to Level ? Unrestricted Movement ? Console Quality Graphics ? 14 Weapons to Master


The year is 2013 and the world as we know it has come to an end. Society has completely broken down. The Scourge as it has become known is an engineered virus stolen and then released upon the world by Al-Qaeda. It was intended to send the West back to the Stone Age by turning their citizens into crazed mutated beasts. In this power, vacuum Al-Qaeda planned to create a new world order.

The infected roam the world and outnumber the few left alive. Pockets of civilization hole up around the planet trying to survive and weather the storm. Courageous and highly-trained groups of mercenaries explore the deadly ruins of civilization to salvage critical supplies and provide defense for these settlements.

Their future is in your hands, Mercenary.


One of the greatest features included in 2013: Infected Wars is the option to play with your friends throughout the entire co-op campaign - something never before seen in the App Store. Every part of the game is designed to be played in both single player and co-op. As you progress deeper into the red zones missions become increasingly challenging, requiring wits and tactical skill to survive!

Download and Play with Your Friends Today!


? Feel the intensity of being swarmed by hordes of infected zombies and mutants with console quality graphics.
? Disturbing sound and voice acting bring the post-apocalyptic world to life.
? Developed using Epic�s cutting-edge Unreal Engine 3 for mobile devices.
? Real world physics and ragdoll effects let you see your enemies fly like never before.


? Complex cinematic events tie in the gameplay and storyline.
? Hand crafted gameplay zones and suspense areas ensure death lurks at every corner.
? Mission objectives take you across underground subways, desolate cityscapes, and urban wastelands.


? Marine � well rounded and an expert in automatic rifles.
? Field Support � likes to get up close and personal specializing in shotguns and pistols.
? Sniper � specializing in a support role for their partners the sniper will pick off their targets at range.
? Sapper � excels at taking out bosses and groups of enemies very quickly with explosive weapons.


From close range sawed off shotguns, .50 caliber pistols, grenade launchers, assault rifles, and rocket launchers to everything in between. Only a real marksman will master them all and be a top shot.


? Face off against larger than life bosses that can smash the inexperienced player to bits.
? Not just zombies � multiple enemy types introduced throughout gameplay.
? You must use strategy, tactics, and teamwork to defeat these foes.

Install and Play Now!


We are an indie developer and need community support. Interact with us today!



iPod touch (4th generation) does not allow for multiplayer and does not include the Hardwell Park map due to the devices technical limitations. While it is still a ton of fun to play please install knowing these limitations.

Download Links: IPA LINk

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