Monday 6 April 2015

Tiny Death Star Tips tricks and Cheats for android

Tiny Death Star
Tips tricks and Cheats for android

Tiny Death Star Tips tricks and Cheats for android 

1. Convert Your Bux Into Currency Near The Start of Your Elevator Upgrading Practices
There’s only one occasion where we recommend converting Bux into Credits using the game’s rather poor currency converter, and that’s at the very beginning of the game. Before you do anything else, upgrade your elevator one level so you can zip around the Death Star, dropping off passengers, much more quickly. If you must use this system again, go for the maximum conversion – you get more Credits per individual Bux this way.

2. Produce Some Apartments Within Your First Couple of Floors
When you have a good amount of floor space available in your Death Star residency, build a healthy amount of apartments on those floors. Three or four apartment s should suffice. You’ll have more rooms to offer to workers and more of those high-level visitors once they arrive. You have a better shot at keeping better workers if you implement more living quarters.

3. Split Up Your Bitizens For All Those Jobs on Deck
our Bitizens need to be spread out accordingly for all the jobs that make up the majority of everything that’s going on within your Death Star. There’s no need to leave a bunch of workers on one job if you don’t even have a large gathering of workers anyway. If you’re low on workers, then keep at least two of them on a single job at a time.

4. Always Keep An Extra Room Open for Super Great Visitors With Great Stats
Once you have a healthy amount of floors and available rooms ready for all the visitors who frequent your Death Star, you’ll notice that some of those visitors have some great statistics/perks. These folks will award you with more money if you take ‘em in, so always keep an extra room open for them if possible. Some of the Bitizens that take up residence at your Death Star may not be worth the effort of keeping around. Kick ‘em out and move in those money making folks for a much improved worker output rate.

5. Upgrade Your Elevator As Soon As Possible
Spending your Bux on all the different tasks that make up the production of your Death Star is always a viable method of play. However, make sure you offer some bucks towards your elevator’s growth when you have the money available. Do this as soon as possible so you can pick up and transport way more passengers than before. Plus the faster your elevator is, the more Bux you’ll gather as you take care of all of your intergalactic customers.

6. Stack Up Some of Those Imperial Bux for Those Extra Characters
If you don’t want to spend that REAL currency you have lying around, then save up a good amount of Imperial Bux. You’ll need to use these bucks as you come along all those cool characters variations that true Star Wars nerds will be enamored with. There’s Droids, Bounty Hunters, Men/Ladies of the Rebellion, Rebel Heroes/Aliens, Outer Rim characters,

7. Stock Up Those Lower-Tier Items to Kill Some Time
Stock According to Your Own Time – If you’re stuck on a subway for hours thanks to a tunnel fire or whatever, go ahead and stock lower-tier items since they restock quickly and you’ll be around to refill orders as necessary. If you can only pop in on the game for a second, stock higher-tier items. They take a long time to refill, but you’ll know for sure that you can simply press “stock” next time you play and start selling right away.

8. Earn Extra Bux By Ratting Out Those Rebels
Your Tiny Death Star is going to be packed to the rafters with a slew of famous and not-so-famous Star Wars characters. There will be instance where you’ll have to search out for an honored guest or some rebel scum within your Death Star. When you’re given these missions, all you have to do is tap on the floor they’re on to locate them. CONGRATS! You just earned some Bux.

9. Make Your Workforce Focus on More Beneficial Business
Got plenty of businesses but not enough workers? Concentrate your workforce on those areas of the business that have the most valuable stock to sell – and make sure each one is maxed out with workers. Then you can start filling out the less profitable shops in the stack.

10. Evict freeloaders.
Some people just arent right for the job. Any job. Whenever a new resident moves in, the first thing youll see is their skill set. If they have low numbers for each skill, dont even give it a second thought - boot them. The last thing you want is an unmotivated worker. The higher their skills, the more productive theyll be when you assign them a job.

11. Keep an open apartment on every level.
Every time you build an apartment level, five new flats open up. Your tendency will be to want to fill them with every person that visits the empty floor. Resist that urge. If those bitizens dont meet your needs, evict them. And its sometimes a good idea to take someone who may not be bad at things but may just not be great at things and boot them instead.

12. Give workers their dream gigs.
You get a special bonus for placing workers in their dream jobs, too. If one of those great bitizens arrive when you dont have an open apartment to put them in, theyre lost to you forever; youll get a tip for bringing them to the apartment level they tell you to go to, but they wont benefit you at all otherwise.

13. Build a few apartments early
Sure, youre going to end up with a lot of unemployed bitizens early in the game, but hear me out: Lower apartment levels are easier to fill. Youll have a better selection of bitizens to start putting into jobs later in the game. when apartments get built on really high levels, its more difficult to get bitizens to visit them, and you have to rely on VIPs like Recruiting Officers to fill them. Whats more, having a ready pool of available talent means you can be more selective when it comes to hiring high-skilled workers.

14. Upgrade your elevator
As soon as you have enough Imperial Bux to afford it, upgrade your elevator. Not only will you be able to move Bitizens faster, but youll collect an increased tip for each level you bring them to. Upgrading to the twice-as-fast elevator, for example, will get you 20 coins when bringing someone to level 10. And it also helps you move traffic that much faster, which makes it more likely youll find VIPs that you need to move the game along.

15. Save your Bux
Level-building gets expensive quickly. You may want to covert Bux to coins to help speed along level creation, but resist the urge. Its short term gain, to be sure, but youll find yourself in the hole very quickly, and itll make you more likely to spend real-world money through In-App Purchases to help get a leg up on the game. And that rabbit hole goes down very far, indeed.

16. Keep space for your VIPs
VIPs arrive with other Bitizens; they can upgrade levels, or fill an entirely empty apartment block with new tenants who need jobs. Theyre also Imperial supply officers who can create items that Darth Vader wants. You can park up to five of them at a time on the Arrivals level, but its a good idea to keep at least one slot free - that way if a special VIP arrives, you can put them to good use. Otherwise youll have to use them right away.

17. Manage your inventory effectively
Each business sells up to three items. The first item is the least expensive, but also takes the least time to craft. The second and third items take longer, but you get a lot more. Make sure to craft the expensive items when youre planning to leave the game for the hours youll need to make them. Also, try to have your businesses completely stocked before you quit the game - your bitizens will continue to buy goods and services while youre away.

18. Spread your risk
Dont build too many of one kind of business. Try to keep it balanced between food, retail, service and recreation. Too many of any kind of business makes buyers appear less frequently.

19. Visitors save build time
Any time a store is crafting a product or a level is being built, bringing a visitor to that level shaves a minute off the build time. While you have to bring visitors to whatever "normal" level they want to go, any visitor can be brought to an Imperial level. So its a good way to shave minutes off your Imperial level build times, especially.

20. Horde Your Bux Early On for Elevator Upgrades
Simply put, the starting elevator in Tiny Death Star sucks. At the start of a new game, you’ll want to save up as soon as you can for the first upgrade. It’s much faster than the starter, coin rewards are doubled, and a faster elevator means more potential bitizens. Personally, I’d recommend saving all your bux just for elevator upgrades, as the upgrade benefits are real, useful and the only way to to upgrade an elevator is with bux. This also means that you should refrain from spending bux on skipping missions, fast-tracking restocking or buying out inventory. Restocking and inventory simply take time, while missions are almost never worth skipping, even if the requirements feel onerous. Also, I wouldn’t recommend spending bux to fill residential vacancies, at least at the onset. Once you get more floors and it becomes less likely you’ll ferry a bitizen to a specific new residence, you can consider it (however, see the tip further down on dream jobbers to minimize this desire).

21. Save Your Recruiter VIP for New Floors
The Recruiter VIP is my favorite person in Tiny Death Star, as he’ll instantly fill out any vacancies in whatever residential floor you take him too. If you take him to a completely empty floor, that’s five new residences that would have either taken five bux or a decent amount of time trying to ferry bitizens to that respective floor. They’re also pretty rare, too. Thus, it makes perfect sense to save them for when you have empty floors. If you get one before you have an empty floor, save it and build one before using it.

22. Go All In On Dream Jobbers
As we mentioned in our review, Tiny Death Star is pretty stingy when it comes to doling out bux. In fact, the only sure fire way of earning them is to place bitizens in their respective dream jobs, which doubles the stock of the item they are in charge of and also provides a one-time reward of one bux. So it’s in your best interest to try and place as many bitizens as you can into their respective dream jobs. There are a few techniques you can employ to make this happen more often. For starters, make sure that you build lots of extra residential floors. One piece of advice I’ve heard is to make every other floor residential. This will not only make it far more likely that an elevator-riding bitizen will actually go fill a vacant spot on a resident floor, but it also means you’ll have tons of extra unemployed bitizens with dream jobs that need to be satisfied. Once you’ve gotten a good system going, it’s just a matter of moving in bitizens, placing them in their dream jobs, and evicting any bitizens that either have dream jobs for floors you haven’t built yet or have already given you their bonuses and have been replaced. This tactic is a little tough at the onset when you don’t have too many floors, but the more you have, the easier it’ll be to cycle dream jobbers in and out.

23. Reserve Floor Upgrades for Low Stock Shops
This may be more of a personal preference for me, but I’m not a fan of having to deal with floors that have low inventory/restock times. So whenever I had some spare credits or a VIP that upgraded floors, I’d focus on those floors. As you upgrade them, both their inventory and restock timers get longer, meaning you have to check them less throughout the day. Considering Tiny Death Star doesn’t really give players any bonuses for perpetually fully stocking floors (other than an occasional buying frenzy), I’d rather simply have an upgraded floor that I have to check less.

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