Thursday, 9 August 2018

Asphalt 6 Adrenaline HD Android Torrent 498 04 MB

Asphalt 6 Adrenaline HD Android Torrent 498 04 MB

Tested and working on Samsung Galaxy S, HTC Desire and LG P990. Basically should work on every phone with Android 2.1 or newer (Eclair, Froyo or Gingerbread)

Install notes:

1.Download this torrent and the apk files from the links above
2.Copy the .apk file for your phone (yes, there are more) into the root of your internal memory (For the Galaxy S, root of your internal SD Card).
3.Use App Installer (search Android Market) to install the .apk. You can use any aplication installer or Android Commander (google it) to install the .apk but if you installed non-market aplications you should know how
4.Copy the SD data folder to the root of your external sd card. You can use a file manager for this, I use Astro File Manager. If you have other games/apps installed you will see a folder there for each app/games. That is the right place to put these files too
5.Make sure youre connected to the internet (3g, wifi) when you first run the game (not sure about this. I was connected the first time and worked great, but other people told me they had to reinstall the .apk because the first time they wernt connected)
6.Start the installed app and PLAY!!!
7.Buy the game if you really like it.

Download the torrent

visit link download

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