Monday 27 August 2018

25 Names of Jesus Day 12 High Priest

25 Names of Jesus Day 12 High Priest

�Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.� Hebrews 4:14

Im sure you noticed that I am 3 days behind on my 25 Names of Jesus Christmas Countdown! As I mentioned, we were attacked by a terrible cold virus at my house, knocking us out for an entire week...ugh! So thankful that is over with. I was able to keep the countdown going a few days in but as the week drug on, the virus left me with bronchitis, which really wiped me out. Actually, Little E and I both ended up at the doctor but I am happy to report, we are finally all on the mend and I promise to catch up on the days I missed! :)

Before Jesus, the high priest was the only one allowed to enter the Holy of Holies, the inner portion of the tabernacle, Gods dwelling place. Entering the most holy place was to actually enter the presence of God and anyone who entered (besides the high priest) would die. It was separated by a veil (thick curtain), shielding a holy God from sinful man, and could only be entered once a year on the Day of Atonement, when the high priest would go in and make a blood sacrifice on behalf of himself, and the people, as an atonement for sins.

"...without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins..." (Hebrews 9:22)

As a result of Jesus atoning work on the cross, the veil was torn and we now have direct access to the Father through a personal relationship with Christ. He is our High Priest. His blood sacrifice is the only one that we need. It is finished (John 19:30). All we have to do is put our faith and trust in Him for our salvation. Go here for more details on how to do this.

I hope you are having fun hanging your 25 Names of Jesus advent ornaments and discussing His names with your family! Go here to read the other posts in this series and to download the free printable ornaments if you want to follow along as we countdown to Christmas!

Happy December, friends! Its the most wonderful time of the year! :)

About the Author: Erin Vick Franklin is the founder and director of Worthy of the Prize. Erin has a BBA in Marketing and Management from TCU and a Masters of Christian Education in Church Recreation from Southwestern Seminary. She is a published, award-winning author and poet. Purchase her book Worthy of the Prize Sports Camps: A Churchs Guide to Implementing an Effective, Community-Reaching Christian Sports Camp to be used as an outreach tool for your church or mission organization. Erin is the wife of A, a Worship Pastor, and a work-at-home-momma to 2 crazy little boys, a and e.

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